Two new softwares – 1Password and Spotify

Recently I started to use two new softwares: 1Password and Spotify

1Password is a password storing software from AgileBits. I usually generate a random password for each service/website and store them encrypted on my own server. I have done this because i had to have access to it from different places (notebook, pc, work notebook). Last time i tried to find a similar software i couldn’t find one which would let me access it from different computers.

It has plugins for Firefox/Safari/Chrome which lets me access the passwords quickly, a ‘copy’ button to quickly copy the password (no more marking and cmd+c!), a password generator and a search tool. It also can store the password safely ‘in the cloud’.

I’m trying to move all my passwords to 1Password now while changing them during the move, but i’ve got really a lot of them so it takes time!

Second software is Spotify. I have heard of it many times before, but didn’t try it as Spotify isn’t friendly with Lithuania 😦 I’ve used a US proxy to register with them and boom, i’m using it now! I hope i find a way to get a premium account when my free trial finishes 🙂

Spotify is a music service which gives access to millions of songs. I like that i can listen almost to any song in a good quality, and legally. I could find almost all songs i like, except for russian songs. It has some of them, but definetly not enough.

Two new softwares – 1Password and Spotify